Corporal William Butler Wright, Royal Engineers

Memorial: Corporal William Butler Wright, Royal Engineers

This little memorial which is the plate on the lip of the sloping top of a reading desk or lectern was taken into our care in 2019. It came to us thanks to a discussion Denis Kenyon was having on air at BBC Radio Leicester with Ben Jackson.

A listener rang my phone and hurried over as they were desperate to find a home for it. It came from the now demolished Holy Rood Church in Bagworth and unfortunately no organisation there was able to take it in.

Corporal Wright, service number 4864281, 107 Field Coy. Royal Engineers, the son of Harry and Ellen Wright of Bagworth was involved in the invasion of Sicily code named Operation Husky. He is buried in Syracuse in Syracuse War Cemetery, Sicily.

It is only a small item but none the less precious for that and we are proud to give it a home.

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Memorial location

All Saints Church, Highcross St, Leicester LE1 4PH