St Saviour’s Road Church, Leicester: WW2 candlesticks

Memorial: St Saviour’s Road Church, Leicester: WW2 candlesticks

These two fine decorated candlesticks some 1.5m tall were also a memorial from WW2.  On each of them is the crest of the Civil Defence Corps and the wording carved and picked out in gold:

To the Glory of God and in memory of Warden W. Pratt and members of this parish who lost their lives thro’ enemy action on 19 Nov. 1940.

This refers to the night when a German bomber released its load over the City with many killed and houses destroyed. Warden Pratt is buried in Welford Road Cemetery.

These candlesticks both vanished.  An appeal was made in the Leicester Mercury in April 2015 but there was no response. In 2017 DSK received a phone call to say that one was being used with permission in a village church in the northeast of the County.  We visited, found it well cared for so decided to leave it there, St Saviour’s being still closed. We fixed a small brass plaque giving its provenance and stating it was one of two.

Another article was put in the Mercury enquiring about the second one.  The very next day a phone call was received from Mablethorpe! It was there in the care of someone who loved the church and walking past one day saw the door ajar and the broken candlestick lying on the floor and took it into care.  It is now safely with us.

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Memorial location

All Saints Church, Highcross St, Leicester LE1 4PH