Registered in 1893 George Wilfred was the son of Edwin Middleton & Charlotte Faulkner who were married in 1891
1901 census : 122, Lansdowne Rd, Leicester
MIDDLETON, Edwin J Head Married M 32 1869 Gas Works Labourer Nottingham,
MIDDLETON, Lottie Wife Married F 31 1870 Staffordshire
MIDDLETON, Amy Daughter Single F 9 1892 Enderby, Leics
MIDDLETON, George W Son M 7 1894 Leicester,
MIDDLETON, Grace Daughter F 4 1897 Leicester,
MIDDLETON, Olive Daughter F 2 1899 Leicester,
LEAR, Ada Visitor Single F 21 1880 Hosiery Trimmer Enderby, Leics
1911 Census 38 Boundary Road Leicester,
Edwin John Middleton Head Married Male 42 1869Gas Labourer London Whitechapel
Charlotte- Middleton Wife Married Female 42 1869 Staffordshire Stafford
George Wilfred Middleton Son Single Male17 1894 Card Box Hand Leicester
Grace Middleton Daughter Single Female 14 1897 Hosiery Hand Winder Leicester
Olive Middleton Daughter Single Female 12 1899 School Leicestershire Leicester
Edwin William Middleton Son Single Male 7 1904 School Leicester
Horace Stanley Middleton Son Single Male 2 1909 – Leicester
Grave Reference E. 29.